The new multi dimensional human

I remember the days when in University, studying international relations, we had the luxury to pick a topic on which we could read all there was written on the issue and add something original that had not been considered before.  I have often reflected over the past years how this would be impossible today, given the sheer amount of written publications, the constant influx of scientific studies, and the relentless speed at which new books come out, confounding our well-researched opinion. I have come to dismiss or even ignore new information to simply find the time and space to stabilize my point of view on a particular issue. Yet, I am wondering whether this is the best way forward in our new digital age.

We have learned to process information in a certain way, categorizing, labeling, and developing an argument with enough rigor to demonstrate the validity of our theses. We have come to a reality, which is so complex, volatile, and uncertain that we can strive to be clear in explaining our thought process, but we have long lost the ability to establish the validity of our thought process with any kind of certainty.

You may have read contradictory studies regarding various foods, wondering whether tomatoes are good or bad for you. You can accumulate the data, categorize and label the various theories, but ultimately, you will have to give up establishing the facts with any kind of certainty. You will likely have to decide on the answer depending on the individual and reassess every so often. The key is perhaps to realize that you are not going to finally get to some stable place of having it all figured out. This is humbling.

Finding our way intuitively in the face of massive data, staying open to new information, integrating what works for each and every one of us, stabilizing our worldview at any given point in time, to ultimately ride the next incoming wave of information, intuition, and re-stabilize until the next shift… This full spectrum thinking process may just be the best way forward to develop the multi-dimensional human that we will need to become in the face of massive uncertainty. Let us see this as an opportunity to play, surf on the waves, and enjoy the ride!

Welcome to my blog!

You just landed on a site focused on Healing International Relations, but you will read little about what goes on in the world or about international relations as we study it in university or practice it internationally as diplomats, military, grass root activists, or aid workers. Should you wish to register (see left column below) you will read every other week a post about the individual behind these roles.

As the world faces man made challenges on a scale beyond recognition, as international organizations and well-known institutions crumble all around, the level of disruption is calling for a different approach, a new system. We are collectively seeking answers through innovation, artificial intelligence, sciences. We are seeking answers in history, philosophy, religion, stuck at the crossroads, still unable to integrate all these fields. The task, however, is well beyond a new school of thought or even a new world order. At the same time, it may well be much closer to home, within our own personal power to change for ourselves and by ourselves, going back to basics and focusing on how we relate to life and thrive as an individual.

This blog stems from the premise that the time has come to disrupt ourselves – to reinvent ourselves individually with the help of each other to weave a new way of life. Disruption is commonly understood as an act of forcible separation, division into parts, break-up, dislocation that interrupts the flow momentarily or upends an industry. It typically offers also an opportunity to reconnect, re-assemble, and start anew, imagining a future catalyzing our own evolution as a species. While we tend to focus typically on the disruption around us, I have found that the rules of disruption apply to the individual as well, and I believe that innovation ultimately begins within ourselves. It takes courage to disrupt ourselves, stepping beyond our zone of comfort, beyond our doubts and embracing the scary and lonely path into the unknown. It is especially challenging as it calls for discovery rather than conventional planning and strategy. It requires searching where no one else has gone, switching to different performance criteria – an inside-out job – redefining the attributes of success. Albeit an individual path, we do not have to go it alone. You may resonate with others on the way to affirm yourself, tell your own story. I hereby offer my lessons learned from a personal disruptive trajectory, along with tips and insights on how to cope with the level of disruption within, which I believe to be necessary for healing our relations at the international level, and usher a different world one person at a time for everyone to thrive. Healing ourselves is the path to a new international environment.