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You just landed on a site focused on Healing International Relations, but you will read little about what goes on in the world or about international relations as we study it in university or practice it internationally as diplomats, military, grass root activists, or aid workers. Should you wish to register (see left column below) you will read every other week a post about the individual behind these roles.

As the world faces man made challenges on a scale beyond recognition, as international organizations and well-known institutions crumble all around, the level of disruption is calling for a different approach, a new system. We are collectively seeking answers through innovation, artificial intelligence, sciences. We are seeking answers in history, philosophy, religion, stuck at the crossroads, still unable to integrate all these fields. The task, however, is well beyond a new school of thought or even a new world order. At the same time, it may well be much closer to home, within our own personal power to change for ourselves and by ourselves, going back to basics and focusing on how we relate to life and thrive as an individual.

This blog stems from the premise that the time has come to disrupt ourselves – to reinvent ourselves individually with the help of each other to weave a new way of life. Disruption is commonly understood as an act of forcible separation, division into parts, break-up, dislocation that interrupts the flow momentarily or upends an industry. It typically offers also an opportunity to reconnect, re-assemble, and start anew, imagining a future catalyzing our own evolution as a species. While we tend to focus typically on the disruption around us, I have found that the rules of disruption apply to the individual as well, and I believe that innovation ultimately begins within ourselves. It takes courage to disrupt ourselves, stepping beyond our zone of comfort, beyond our doubts and embracing the scary and lonely path into the unknown. It is especially challenging as it calls for discovery rather than conventional planning and strategy. It requires searching where no one else has gone, switching to different performance criteria – an inside-out job – redefining the attributes of success. Albeit an individual path, we do not have to go it alone. You may resonate with others on the way to affirm yourself, tell your own story. I hereby offer my lessons learned from a personal disruptive trajectory, along with tips and insights on how to cope with the level of disruption within, which I believe to be necessary for healing our relations at the international level, and usher a different world one person at a time for everyone to thrive. Healing ourselves is the path to a new international environment.

Feeling stuck: time for leadership!

You may experience feeling stuck at home with the same old experiences, a relationship that is not going anywhere, a job that is not rewarding, a city that is no longer meeting your needs. It has not felt right for some time but you have not been able to shift it in the direction you want to go. I have felt like this about my job going through cycles, investing in other things to realize that I am still limited by the job, trying something else in this work environment to hit the wall, even considering new openings to realize that the place is just not in line with my values. At the same time, and while doing many other things to the point where the job is only a sideshow, I am still wasting energy in an environment that is not aligned with who I am.

At times like this, it may be useful to declare our intentions clearly to the world and to ourselves that we are ready for a change, seeking assistance from wherever it may come to move to the next phase in our life. It may come from various corners and at a time we do not control, but assume that it is on its way! The starting point lies with clarity in our minds as to what we want to change and what we are willing to let go. Something needs to die before something else comes in. We may not wish to throw out the baby with the bath water… and want to retain some aspects of what is up for change. We need to be specific with the essence of the change we are seeking to birth.

Do you recognize your situation? Are you able to say clearly what it is that you wish to experience to replace the feeling stuck place? What are you willing to let go? Write it down and revisit the statement daily, like a mantra. Be aware that your statement needs to be clear, as you may get what you write down to later realize that it was not exactly what you aspired to. Refine the feeling, the essence of what it would feel like if you had what you want and stay open to the many different ways this could be delivered to you. For instance, I want to make a direct contribution in the world, and let go of invisibility. There are so many ways this can come to you. It is not specific enough. Enquire: why? what does that mean? For instance: I want to feel rewarded by what I do (in my own eyes) and not only in support of others. Make sure to engage a conversation with the universe to ensure you express yourself clearly and openly. Leadership requires a conversation. It is not a solo experience, even if you feel alone!


Have you ever wondered what was the role of pain in your life? In my leadership quest, I was recently prompted to reflect on the fact that pain has often been a big motivator in my life. It has proven to be an excellent trigger towards transformation. I often moved country, even continent, to get as far away as possible from a painful relationship or a break-up. I also changed jobs as a result of challenging professional experiences. Already as a young girl, painful moments were often the sign of personal growth.  Even physical pain, in the form of a car accident for instance, triggered a new awareness in my life pointing to the need to let go and be more receptive than constantly in a “doing” mode. Yes, pain has been an engine of change in my life.

Pain in its various forms: physical, emotional, spiritual, can indeed serve as one of life’s great teachers. However, pain is meant to pass. The problem with pain lies with the tendency we have, especially as adult, to hang on to it unconsciously as if it was a way of existing. We are in pain therefore we are… This is at the core of the victim pattern. Similarly, we can reject it and decide that the emotions that go along with pain are detrimental to our well-being. We thus develop coping mechanisms to avoid pain and the discomfort of emotions, either bottling up painful experiences and ignoring them or running away from them. In fact, we might even believe that staying away from what hurts, be it relationships or new opportunities, is the best way to avoid rejection and protect ourselves, unaware of the energy devoted to keeping something as important at bay, and the wasted opportunities to learn from life through all its experiences.

You are not meant to live in a shoebox, nor in cotton. Life is about experiences and choices, good and bad, to learn about what you like and dislike and lead the way from a place of desire and greater wisdom. If you notice that the same painful experiences present themselves, open up and embrace the pain, whether it is an old or a new pain, so that it finds the path to go through you and transform you in the process. However, the most transformative experience of all and a true leadership quest lies with the conscious decision to no longer learn from pain but to learn from joy.

Taking off

Human beings have always been fascinated by the idea of flying, inventing creatures with wings that can get closer to the sun, eventually developing machines that fly. I actually started to learn how to fly a plane before I had my driver’s license. There is such a sense of freedom being in the air and looking down at our earthly home. The change of perspective is breathtaking. It opens up new ways of looking at things and expands our mind.

Taking off is also a way of escaping our reality. Emotionally, we tend to jump off the cliff of our blockages when the weight of our burden is too heavy. Taking flight is always about freeing ourselves from the pull of gravity on our human condition. As we remember our true nature, though, we realize that this freedom is temporary.

Yet, taking flight can also be a state of mind. Creativity allows us to free ourselves from the burden of reality and the world of forms. Creativity takes you to boundlessness and allows you to experience beyond the constraints of time and space. This is a state of grace in today’s world, to be able to resort to your own creativity to stretch reality beyond the complexity and volatility of this world, in search of what is yet to emerge. Listening in and leading the way with creativity is the path to a new dream beyond the blockage of thoughts and emotions plaguing our human condition. I encourage you to lead with creativity to bring about a new type of leadership, reflecting a greater coherence in our own evolution.

Should you wish to develop your creative leadership skills, I invite you to connect on //www.leadership-alive.com