Leadership and stillness

In the past few months, given the pandemic and teleworking, I have had the luxury of trying to spend a moment by myself in the quiet space of my home every day.  Doing nothing, sitting in stillness… I have been amazed at how challenging this has proven to be. There is always something to do at home, be it the laundry, the dishes, whatever else. The distraction is constant. For some it is children and other people in the house, for others it is chores and screens.  

Our lives consist of everything we engage in, from showering in the morning to sleeping at night and everything in between. It is a race: do, do, do… Basically, we make sure that we are so distracted that we keep away from looking at our lives. Why do we do this? Because of that little voice that may question how we run our lives, the choices we make. Sometimes that little voice reminds us of that dream we once had. It is uncomfortable. In our busy lives, we have become out of practice when it comes to connecting with ourselves. 

You may have noticed how unnerving it is to have a moment to yourself. As a result, you stopped trying to carve out that time to take a seat at the center of your life. You prefer to watch a movie, read a book, reach out to a friend, or have a relaxing time with your partner and consider it your time. Reconnect with that little voice and feel how you have been avoiding it. It knows much more about your way forward in a world where everything is crumbling. Little makes sense and disinformation is everywhere. Leadership is not out there; it comes from within.

Let’s welcome a new year!

As I packed my Christmas decorations this weekend, eating the last chocolates from visiting loved ones, feeling the presence of departed family and friends, I am wondering why life seems so empty all of sudden. This mellowness does not have to tarnish the fulfilling memories of happy festivities. It does not have to trigger a pang of gloom. The trick is that the magic of the holiday season lives on when we know how to avoid settling back into routine.

We can all discover the pleasures of everyday existence, and rest assured that the cycle of regular celebrations will return like seasons orchestrating our years. There is something so comforting in remembering how life just like celebrations are cyclical. Reverting to the holiday highlights and what we value most, such as the generosity and gratitude of Christmas, or the simplicity and forgiveness to stay home alone for a quiet time off when everyone else is buzzing all over the world, or the joys of traditions or even the time of volunteering for the less fortunate can help us stay connected to the spark of special times.

You will find tremendous excitement in building the days and months to come this year integrating the joys and values that you just reflected upon, whether you experienced them fully or wished they were part of the fun – togetherness, magic, beauty, peacefulness. They can all be called upon all year long, if your heart is in it and your imagination triggered. Let it be a magical year!