Adverse circumstances

We all know that when the sun is not visible, it is shining somewhere else. Whether the clouds are blocking our views or the night has fallen, we know that the sun will return. We also experience periods of gloom and darkness that make us lose sight of the light, but hope is the promise of returned sunshine in our lives. Warmth and glowing rays have a way of brightening even our thoughts.

Under lockdown, in the midst of a pandemic, I have experienced life at a standstill. It seemed to have stopped all around on the planet. So I reached to the Universe for a sense of motion beyond my usual sense of boundaries to rekindle faith. Despite the general slowing down, there was just enough room to continue doing my work to attend to my activities, even in the absence of visible results. The war in Ukraine is yet another exercise in reaching deeper to stay the course while finding my light.

You may have come to discover in this darkness that actually light has started shining within. Whatever may occur around you, that source of light is never extinguished. Believing in your own light may take more time, but it glows even in the dark. Your light becomes the energy that connects you to the Universe. You can become your own sunshine, whether you feel its glow or not. Others will notice and enjoy your light as you lead the way.

In the absence of human leadership

In the midst of our pandemic, I have found myself at a loss to understand the world and find my way. Dumfounded by the type of policies, regulations that have come from various national and international leaders, I disconnected and reflected upon the best way to refocus. At local level, and within communities there have been some interesting efforts to develop some humble, compassionate, and creative approaches. It is nature, however, that responded best to my needs for guidance.

We share the planet with the animal kingdom and we can turn our attention to animal activities around us to get inspired. Finding ourselves staring at a bird soaring high into the sky, we may consider looking at our situation from a greater distance.  A squirrel stashing its latest prize may remind us of our hidden places for forgotten treasure. When we feel clueless facing our challenges, we can learn to turn to an animal messenger, trusting that the planet has some answers for us, opening to a different way to look at and solve our problems, humbling ourselves and letting go of timing. The Universe has its own rhythm and timing. The solution will come at the perfect time – not our time!

In this time of pandemic, you may wish to reflect on ants and bees around, reminding you that there is no survival as individuals. They survive as members of the group, through their respective, highly specialized roles within their communities, never wishing to be something other than what they are. They are a useful symbol of self-knowledge and humility, like individual cells in your body. It may inspire you to fully own your specific skills, knowing how they can benefit all of humanity. No one can tell you what to do but if you listen from within you will find how to best serve. The world needs your individual talents to be put at the service of a community, honoring the wisdom of ants and bees. 

How to show up for life?

I often felt that you can only lead from a place of power, that you are in charge when you feel your best, and that others follow when they feel your strength. I came to realize that the point is not to project anything, but to be authentic rather than powerful or in control. The way I walk into a room already says a lot about me. If I am holding back on my troubles I will walk into a room with my eyes down, or I will smile absent-mindedly. If I am hurting inside, I will lack the confidence to be fully present to my surroundings, even if I try to project otherwise.

When we show up for life, we are fully engaged with what it has to offer and teach, whether it is painful or joyful. Noticing how showing up and being authentic with our feelings allows us to attract what we need. When we need healing, we will meet with those who can help us heal. Whatever we may need, if we are connected with it inside, we will find the places, the people, and the opportunities that we need at that particular moment. When we show up for this kind of leadership, trusting in life, showing others how to attract what they need, we become alive and confident. This is the kind of leadership that will inspire others.

You can show up in life for what you are and master the ability to make things happen, whether or not you are in a position of strength, provided that you do not pretend, and that you are able to come forth through your vulnerabilities, as much as your needs, curiosity, and passion. When you show up for yourself in life, the universe will show up for you!

Peace within dictates peace on the outside

There are so many reasons why the world is in turmoil and so few recipes to bring it to a peaceful place. In reality there is only one reason to account for this dire state: we are not at peace ourselves. We feel compelled to blame disorder and chaos in the world on our fellow citizens or global circumstances over which we believe we have no control. Our own disorder seems of little relevance, and yet there will never be any peace in the outside world until we have created peace within. The roots of the problem are firmly entrenched in ourselves.

Where should we start when assessing our own relationship to peacefulness? Should we seek help on the outside or search within? More often than not, we rely on others, on experts’ account to help us interpret what may be wrong with us. We certainly cannot all be psychologists, physicians, teachers to show us the way to healing and enlightenment. The input of specialists is undeniably valuable, but in reality our own sense of the path is ultimately the most important piece. Our own inner knowing and processing of external help is fundamental to healing. We are the authorities in our own lives, and we have the final say on what is our reality. Yet we tend to let others decide for us where the problem lies and what is the cure. We abdicate our own responsibility, often unaware or not trusting enough our inner knowing. As we learn to relate to what surrounds us from within, we discover an inner sense of what is right and a resonance between the outside and the inside – a harmonious and peaceful experience of integration that brings us and the universe closer, stronger, more engaged, and interrelated with a greater ability to make a difference.

Once we have become aware of this special connection between the universe and ourselves and have found the path to manifest externally what is firmly anchored in ourselves, we can share with family and friends, inspiring our communities and the whole wide world. The first step, though, is looking within and choosing the more peaceful resonance over the negative vibrations and chaotic experiences that the world will become a more peaceful place.