If you want to be a leader try to become a storyteller

 I became aware last year of the power of storytelling. Our children have a way to show us the impact of a story, but we often diminish its role: this is just a story! What a shame… Children know best.  I believe storytelling has a powerful transformative ingredient worth remembering and considering, as we try to make changes around us or within our lives. 

We often carry on with life wondering how to get out of a situation where we feel stuck. We may even give up. We may yet realize that whatever may be the situation, it is always the result of choices we made consciously or unconsciously. We may even know deep down that this realization is the best way to take one hundred percent responsibility in how we feel and understand that, as a result, we have in us the power to get out of it.  Despite this awareness, we may have lost the ability or never consciously learned how to affect change and get out of our “stuckness.” This is because we have lost track of the link between where we are and the story we have been telling ourselves. 

Let us say that you have been telling yourself that you always fail… or you simply fear failure based on past experiences; this will block your ability to succeed. But you have the power to change the story you have been telling yourself. Listen to children changing their stories to get to the result they want… it is that easy! Acknowledge that you have been trying hard and did your best, spelling out all your actions and qualities, remembering the fine moments on your path. Then redress towards where you want to go. In doing this kind of work, you make it possible for a positive story to emerge, and for you to get out of a stuck place. Enjoy going after your new story for 2020!

Let’s welcome a new year!

As I packed my Christmas decorations this weekend, eating the last chocolates from visiting loved ones, feeling the presence of departed family and friends, I am wondering why life seems so empty all of sudden. This mellowness does not have to tarnish the fulfilling memories of happy festivities. It does not have to trigger a pang of gloom. The trick is that the magic of the holiday season lives on when we know how to avoid settling back into routine.

We can all discover the pleasures of everyday existence, and rest assured that the cycle of regular celebrations will return like seasons orchestrating our years. There is something so comforting in remembering how life just like celebrations are cyclical. Reverting to the holiday highlights and what we value most, such as the generosity and gratitude of Christmas, or the simplicity and forgiveness to stay home alone for a quiet time off when everyone else is buzzing all over the world, or the joys of traditions or even the time of volunteering for the less fortunate can help us stay connected to the spark of special times.

You will find tremendous excitement in building the days and months to come this year integrating the joys and values that you just reflected upon, whether you experienced them fully or wished they were part of the fun – togetherness, magic, beauty, peacefulness. They can all be called upon all year long, if your heart is in it and your imagination triggered. Let it be a magical year!

Leadership is shining your light

I grew up always attracted by the light in people’s eyes. I felt so dazzled by the glimmer shining through these eyes. Yet, I noticed how often this light lies dormant on people’s faces, and I wondered what is it that stops this spark. Is it fears, or feeling inadequate? Is it sadness? Is it the weight of the world some people carry on their shoulders? I know too well how hiding my light for so long has shrunk my potential arbitrarily, and cast a shadow for many around me.

As we hide our light, we hamper the world from becoming a more vibrant and beautiful place. We are often taught early in life to hide, to be cautious – often with good intention to avoid being hurt or to fail. Sometimes, we are cautioned by others out of envy or other less positive intents. Yet, it is through daring to become visible and to shine that we can bring out our full potential. The world will know the difference between a light shining, and a desire to draw attention to self.

You may have been told that shining your light is immodest. You may have believed that it is risky to draw attention, as you may be rejected or, even worse, you may have to bear the responsibility of success. Truthfully, when you hide your light, you quash your dreams, and prevent others from benefiting from your aptitudes, thus denying the world new experiences. This light is what makes you unique, what you need to lead your life, and what grants others the permission to shine their own light, allowing them to go and explore their own brilliance. Wherever your light comes alive, in the library, the kitchen, in the forest, or at work, lead the way. Stop holding back! You will do the world a favor!

Peace within dictates peace on the outside

There are so many reasons why the world is in turmoil and so few recipes to bring it to a peaceful place. In reality there is only one reason to account for this dire state: we are not at peace ourselves. We feel compelled to blame disorder and chaos in the world on our fellow citizens or global circumstances over which we believe we have no control. Our own disorder seems of little relevance, and yet there will never be any peace in the outside world until we have created peace within. The roots of the problem are firmly entrenched in ourselves.

Where should we start when assessing our own relationship to peacefulness? Should we seek help on the outside or search within? More often than not, we rely on others, on experts’ account to help us interpret what may be wrong with us. We certainly cannot all be psychologists, physicians, teachers to show us the way to healing and enlightenment. The input of specialists is undeniably valuable, but in reality our own sense of the path is ultimately the most important piece. Our own inner knowing and processing of external help is fundamental to healing. We are the authorities in our own lives, and we have the final say on what is our reality. Yet we tend to let others decide for us where the problem lies and what is the cure. We abdicate our own responsibility, often unaware or not trusting enough our inner knowing. As we learn to relate to what surrounds us from within, we discover an inner sense of what is right and a resonance between the outside and the inside – a harmonious and peaceful experience of integration that brings us and the universe closer, stronger, more engaged, and interrelated with a greater ability to make a difference.

Once we have become aware of this special connection between the universe and ourselves and have found the path to manifest externally what is firmly anchored in ourselves, we can share with family and friends, inspiring our communities and the whole wide world. The first step, though, is looking within and choosing the more peaceful resonance over the negative vibrations and chaotic experiences that the world will become a more peaceful place.